Tuesday, September 15, 2009

THE dress

So I went to pick out my wedding dress last week. I cannot believe that something I am going to wear a maximum of six hours could put such a damper on my wallet. And of course, just like everything in my life, I veered to the expensive one.

Wedding dress shopping is one of those times when you never need to try on the one that you think is REALLY beautiful and REALLY expensive because everything else afterwards will greatly resemble a white trash sack.

I did not, however, use this logic and rather tried on every dress that caught my eye, ignoring if the price contained a comma. The dress was gorgeous. Lace and tulle and beading and a train. Anything and everything that made me feel like Cinderella without screaming 1980's prom night.

So now what? Save up and get the dress I like and feel beautiful, or settle for less expensive attire and be able to eat after the wedding? Oh what the hell, I ramen noodles will do for a while.

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